Three Events

We’ve had three things happen this week, which have been so lovely and positive.

Firstly, M had her first Brownies session!  We’ve had a long long wait to get into a class – there are waiting lists for all children’s activities in Wimbledon.  I purposefully chose a unit that’s in walking distance from our house so M was delighted to be able to scooter there.  D and I dropped her off and she was understandably looking a little nervous but I think I was more nervous than she was!  Brownies feels quite ‘schooly’ to me and I was wondering how she’d manage in that environment, having been ‘unschooled’ for so long.  She had questioned me earlier about whether she ‘had’ to do what her leader asked her to do.  Ha ha.

Walking home, I was feeling a little wobbly but D cried the whole way home!  She said things like ‘those flowers are making me feel sad because they remind me of the flowers on M’s body-warmer’ and ‘I’m walking ahead of you so I can’t see M’s scooter as it’s making me feel sad’.  I would have had a secret giggle to myself about these comments had I not been feeling a bit sad too.  For some reason, the journey turned into an hour’s round trip?!  Not at all sure how that happened.  Me and D were pooped when we got back.  We had 20 minutes to spare before getting in the car to pick her up again.  D was on the verge of exploding with excitement to see her again.  It did make me laugh since they spend most of their time arguing these days.

M loved Brownies!  She has since been ploughing through her Brownie activity book, completing the games, reading the stories and deciding which uniform she likes best (you get a choice these days).  The only niggle she did have was that she couldn’t understand some of the instructions or couldn’t hear them because the hall was so noisy.  When I asked her what she did, she told me she just copied everyone else!  Hurrah!


Our second event this week was down to J, who woke up on Wednesday morning full of ideas about how to raise money for the Nepal quake appeal!  We all got together to draw and colour a giant poster to put outside our house; I baked a load of biscuits to sell; and then around rush hour time (we get a lot of people walking past our house because we’re so near a tube stop) J and the girls went out to sell the biscuits, sing Frozen songs and offer a lesson on tectonic plates.  We raised £61!!!!


We finished the week with a bang as our rabbit breeder rang to say she had a 1-year old doe that needed a new home so we went to collect her today.  We’ve had to set up a temporary pen to house her until she bonds with Morris.  Our kitchen looks like one big rabbit run now.  Morris hasn’t been this excited in a long time.  The girls have named her Gloria!

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