Chess, Chess and More Chess

Are all home educators cream crackered at the end of each day or is it just me?

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We started the day off pretty efficiently (compared to our recent efforts) because we had half an hour to spare until the library opened so M sat down to a game of chess and D played on Reading Eggs.  Then we went to catch the bus but it wasn’t due for another 10 minutes so I suggested that we walked.  Can’t believe they agreed to it.  And can’t believe they both walked all that way without a grumble!

We headed straight for the coffee shop (of course) and then on to the library to get the girls’ rewards for reading their 3rd and 4th books in the reading challenge.  The librarian asked M which book she liked the most and asked her to tell him about it.  She answered with a very articulate description of the book she’d chosen.  I was very proud!  D by contrast didn’t want to say anything (how unusual!) but then her books were deadly dullsville phonics ones.

Then we went off to the Early Learning Centre to buy a wind up toy each.  I had an idea that we could try taking them apart to see how they worked and maybe use them as the motor for the ladybirds that M wants to make.  A project for next week perhaps?

When we got home M played chess again and D watched a bit of CBeebies.  We had lunch and then headed out again for a swim at David Lloyd.  D really didn’t want to go and she did seem tired but once we were in the pool she didn’t want to get out!  We had the pool pretty much to ourselves and we were leaving by the time the after-school crowds turned up – the benefits of home schooling!

When we got back M went straight back to her chess board again!  I’m trying to look up a few opening moves as I feel like we’re stumbling around a bit without any clear strategy.  A bit like our lives at the moment.  I really need to get some sort of time-table or plan written down now or we are just going to drift and drift from day to day.  I NEED STRUCTURE!!!

2 thoughts on “Chess, Chess and More Chess

  1. We got ‘Chess for Kids, How To Play and Win’ by Richard James. It is written like a story and guides the child through basic strategies. My son read it quickly but returned to it time and again.

    RE plan- we try to do Maths & English each morning and then two subjects. You fall into your own routine. Looks like you are doing great to me!


    1. Good idea about the book, thanks, I definitely need some help with chess.
      I am trying to put together some sort of schedule while my husband puts the girls to bed, I keep getting distracted though!


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